Saiorthocare Hospitals Pvt Ltd, a premium place for Pediatric & Orthopedic care is in the prime location of T Nagar in the heart of Chennai city. The hospital has accessibility from venkataranarayana Road, anna salai & burkit road, Chennai.
SaiOrthoCare Hospitals Pvt. Ltd have an ambient atmosphere conducive for a hospital having bed strength of 16 of which 4 will be of deluxe class, 8 of which regular class and shared basis with well experienced doctors.
All rooms have a climatised controlled health environment necessary for good patient recovery. Hospitals have 3 fully equipped intensive care beds mostly used for immediate post operative facility and for poly trauma cases. The beds used in all rooms are of sophisticated and state of art quality meant for providing excellent comfort to patients.
We at saiorthocare hospitals particularly pay attention to your safety and keeping you comfortable before, during and after your procedure. Our warm and caring environment helps you to recover faster.