"UNIVERSAL ADHESIVES" is one of the leading fast growing company offers different grade of Engg. Adhesives and Sealants / Epoxies under the following brands.
"Anabond" - (Manufactured by M/s. Anabond Ltd., Chennai) a well known name among the Adhesives Manufactures in India. The Product viz: Anaerobic Adhesives for Thread Locking, Bearing Retaining, Gasketing and Pipe Sealing Applications. Cyanoacrylate Instand bond Adhesives for bonding plastics, Rubber, Leather, Ceramincs, Acrylic, Metal to metal etc. RTV Silicons Sealants for Sealing / Gasketing Application. HighTemp. Anti-Seize Compounds, Rust, remover etc.
"Pliogrip" Epoxy Adhesives (Manufactured by M/s. Pliogrip Resins & Chemicals (P) Ltd., Mumbai) For various applications in Engg. Electric, Electronic Industries besides the numerous domestic applications.